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Why Beatrice needs your help

Beatrice primarily exists to support children with additional needs, but it also helps others too, including the elderly and those with disabilities. We need your help to make that possible

Why Beatrice needs your help
The Need

In 2001 the ‘Valuing People’ White Paper said:

“People with learning disabilities and their families have the same human rights as everyone else” and they should “be able to participate in all the aspects of community – to work, learn, get about and meet people, be part of social networks and access goods and services – and to have the support to do so.”

In 2002 the ‘Every Child Matters’ report recognised:

“People’s rights to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve.”

In 2007 the ‘Valuing People Now’ White Paper said:

“People with disabilities are often not connected to their communities or given meaningful vocational, social, leisure or learning activities”.

Prince Charles, who sponsored the scheme under which the first boat was built, said:

“A trip on a canal boat, with its gentle progress, is the nearest a disabled person may come to enjoying a walk in the countryside”.

How We Help

At Beatrice we recognise the needs identified in those official documents and more.

An outing on Beatrice is a wonderful experience.  We are proud of the part we play in making  the lives of people with additional needs and  disabilities more rewarding.

Each trip on the Beatrice provides a safe activity which contributes towards a healthy and social life.  We help groups of children and adults get the most out of life through an enjoyable activity, which assists learning and which reinforces community and cooperation.

Beatrice helps people to feel connected, with each other and those who care for them, and with society; to enjoy and learn from boating activity; to develop confidence, partly through helping to work the locks and, for those who have become house-bound and solitary, simply being in a social group; and to appreciate particularly beautiful countryside.

How You Can Help

We need your help to make this happen. Beatrice is entirely run by volunteers and we would welcome you to join our team. This could be as active crew on the boat or behind the scenes with one of the many tasks essential to keeping Beatrice running. You can contact us to find out more by clicking here.

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